I’ll save you some time…

Have you ever tried to read and watch TV at the same time? It’s like having a serious conversation in the middle of a nightclub. We’ve all been there, trying to relay to someone our feelings concerning a very important topic but being constantly interrupted by “fun”. Well, like oil and water, entertainment and productivity do not get along.


I’ve always tried to make the bridge between productivity and downtime. I’ve hoped that I could be doing something that I needed to do, while enjoying something that I’ve wanted to do. For instance, reading a thought-provoking book during the commercial breaks of a movie on TV. As pleasant as that seems, I’m pretty sure that I missed some really good parts of the movie and also I’m going to have to re-read the last few chapters of that book.

How can we apply this to every day life? Here are some small suggestions:

1. Turn off your notifications from Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Vine, Instagram, Myspace, Friendster (I’m dating myself). Allow yourself to be “in-the-zone” without distractions. Once you start working on something and are not paying attention to your “Social Life” you’ll get your important tasks completed a lot quicker giving you more time to be devoted to your Vine creativity.

2. Stop multi-tasking. Allowing yourself to be absorbed in two things is most likely asking you take even longer on both tasks and it certainly affects the quality of the work you’re doing. Allow yourself to prioritize and then attack one problem at a time accounting for greatest reward first.

3. After being productive and accomplishing a task, let yourself relax. We spend most of our lives lost in thought. Wandering through an endless maze of possible situations and solutions that we will never encounter. Instead of causing yourself more stress, allow yourself time to be still mentally. Not only will this skill refresh you during stressful days, and make you more productive in the long run, but it will also allow you to start enjoying the present instead of worrying about the future. Some would recommend meditation, I recommend meditation after reading scriptures, others would even suggest yoga. Whatever you need to do to take a mental break, just be sure to hang a sign from your forehead “Back in 5 minutes”. 

I’m poor and going to Panama to clean teeth…

Settling in

Two weeks after hurricane Chicago

It seems as though this summer has flown by. I hate to use such a trite phrase to describe what has been anything but trite, however, it’s three o’clock in the morning and It’s all I have.

Other than catching up with family, I have been doing a lot of soul-searching and trying to understand what happened this summer. Yes, the obvious facts are that I was an intern for CBS channel 2 in Chicago, I learned a lot and saw a lot of cool things. But I’m sure there are plenty of books, poems, songs, and blogs about what a young man goes through during a large change in their life. Maybe this literature features reflections after the incident, but I’d like to think that the meat of the story is after life change… the heart beat slows the adrenaline wears off. Your mind stops racing at 1000 mph and you’re left with vague memories and fresh wounds.

Well my story takes place after an internship, not a war. But I hope it will reflect the change that has taken place in my life as I end my journey in Chicago, pick up my life back in the mountains of North Carolina, and prepare for the new journey of finding a job.


The End of the Beginning


Yes I understand that it is unusual that I should be starting a Blog at the end of my life changing experience, however I still believe that it is important to log the the things that represent road marks on my journey through life.

It is certainly safe to say that I am leaving one area of life, but I am also moving into another area and starting a new journey.

Join me as I reflect on the things that I learned working as an intern at CBS channel 2 in Chicago, Il, and how they will apply to my last year at school, my personal life, and my professional life.